About Me


Life has a way of leading us through the darkest of nights, where the challenges we face become the catalysts for profound transformation. My name is Heather Swint, and I'm here to guide you on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

My own path to the healing arts was marked by trials and tribulations that tested my very core. The loss of my beloved sister to cancer, the turmoil of the 2008 financial crash (my husband and I were both real estate agents, hello!) the heartache of infertility, and the emotional rollercoaster of adoption were just some of the trials I navigated. On the outside, it seemed like I was doing OK – a successful real estate career, a thriving yoga studio, and a loving husband. However, I was silently undergoing a painful ego death, a profound unraveling that forced me to dig deep and find the divine spark inside of me (it's in you too!) to shine a light in the darkness.

In the midst of this darkness, I turned to the ancient wisdom of yoga and meditation. These practices became my guiding lights, helping me learn how to soothe my jangled nerves and how to get out of my swirling mind and ground into my body. I discovered the art of soothing my nervous system and the profound impact of meditation – truly life-changing.

Astrology, with its exquisite insights from the birth chart, unlocked a deeper understanding of who I was and who I was born to be. The insights of astrology are profound. Astrology unearthed my my strengths, and gave me permission to be me.

I also discovered on my journey that I am an empath and energy healer, finely attuned to the emotions of those around me and able to clear energetic blockages for myself and others. I practice Reiki and have witnessed the power of this modality in my own life & the life of my clients.

Another pivotal moment in my healing journey was learning to establish boundaries and graciously say no when needed. This newfound skill became an essential pillar in rebuilding my life.

But it didn't stop there. The revelation that our thoughts have the power to shape our reality was nothing short of an epiphany. I delved deep into the profound understanding that our very cells are listening to our thoughts, responding to the messages we send them. This realization was a transformative turning point.

Unearthing the person I was beneath the layers of societal conditioning and past traumas was a journey of self-discovery that left an indelible mark on my soul. It changed me at the core, redefining my beliefs and reshaping my path forward.

Now, I'm here to share this journey with you. Drawing upon years of experience teaching yoga and meditation, studying astrology, seeking therapy, and devouring books on codependency and communication, I have synthesized a unique approach to coaching. I've come to understand that our thoughts have the power to shape our reality, and I'm ready to teach you how to harness this transformative potential.

If you find yourself where I once stood (sleepless nights, panic attacks, zero clarity) or if you're feeling lost in the depths of your own challenges that are unique to you, please know that I empathize deeply with your journey. I am here to guide you, empower you, and help you uncover the strength within. Together, we'll navigate the shadows and emerge into the radiant light of self-discovery and personal growth.

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Let's begin, and let your transformation unfold.

Talk To Heather